As a participating Vendor Partner, you can display the STN Official Partner Logo on your website to show your retailers and visitors that you are a preferred partner with a brand synonymous with trusted, local toy stores across North America. It’s a great way to to remind your retailers of the ease of data access when they are making buying decisions.
Installing the seal on your site
We have created a short string of HTML code that you can copy and paste into your website to display the official partnership seal. Simply code the code of the desired round or squared seal and paste it in the appropriate area of your website
Downloading other sized seal logos
Your web manager may prefer a larger logo for various implementations. Below are a few alternative sizes for your use. Please contact STN for additional assistance,

Usage Guidelines
Specialty Toys Network restricts usage of our brand logos according to a few common-sense guidelines. Please contact an STN Partner representative for questions regarding use outside these guidelines:
- STN provides the website code and hosted images files for displaying the official partner logos. The code should not be altered in any manner that will link to any URL other than
- As an Official Partner in our program, you are encouraged to maintain your product data in the system in a manner best suited to help participating STN Retailers easily present the products they purchase from you.
- You may not alter, stretch or skew the logos in any way.
- Specialty Toys Network retains copyright ownership on fall aspects of the logos.
- You may not use the logo to imply any relationship with, or endorsement or sponsorship by, Specialty Toys Network that is not true. You may not use the Logo in connection with any disparaging statements about Specialty Toys Network or its services, or statements that otherwise reflect poorly on Specialty Toys Network.
- Specialty Toys Network reserves the right to approve or disapprove the use of any of our logos on your Web page (size, surrounding text, etc.) and print media to ensure that it complies with these policies.